Week 26

Final week of my job, and some big news...

Week 26

Final week of my job, and some big news...

  • LOST update: none watched! But soon, it'll happen.
  • I spent a lot of this week feeling ill and rundown, I think I'd been doing so much that my body just said 'no, you're ill now' to make me stop.
  • I celebrated 11 months with Adam - we spent Friday evening looking at quirky places we could go for a few nights next month. If anyone has any suggestions that are rail and bus accessible, I'm all ears!
  • On Wednesday I saw my lovely friend Tris, went for lunch at Wai Kika Moo Kau, and had a nice catch-up while walking around North Laine.
Tracked down this #edgy artwork too
  • On Thursday I had my first ever filling, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. More expensive, mind! But I've now signed up to, I swear, the ONLY dentist in Brighton accepting NHS patients, so I'm not dropping hundreds for a check-up.
  • Friday was my final NQJ exam, which I think went well. It was a weird story to write up about a motocross track being built by a housing estate for teenagers who were getting in trouble and needed keeping off the streets basically, but I feel confident that I did well. I find out in a few weeks - fingers crossed!
  • On Saturday I saw my friend Maia, who I met a few weeks ago on a walking tour of Brighton. It was her birthday, so we drank some really good beer at the Bierhaus (incidentally where mine and Adam's first date nearly was) and found a beer that Adam actually liked the taste of, which was shocking to everyone.
  • Lots of planning for my baptism on the 11th - my mum has planned four different salads, some dips, samosas, fruit, cheese straws- she's basically somehow catering this potluck picnic, complete with a gazebo, a trolley, and two trestle tables with their own tablecloths, and I love her for it.
  • Nearly forgot to mention - I bought a new mattress! I was going to wait until I moved in with Adam, but two things happened to make me order sooner: he bought one, and it's really good; my back is aching and my shoulder injury from a couple of years ago keeps playing up when it didn't use to. It's an Otty, and I'm waiting with baited breath for my delivery slot.
Unrelated to the mattress, but Adam popped me on the Volks back home on Sunday afternoon which was v sweet
  • And finally, most importantly... I got offered a job! That interview I mentioned with Lloyd Russell-Moyle, MP for Kemptown, went so well that they offered me the job on Friday. I finish my current job on Thursday, July 8, and I start my new job in August, so I'll have almost a month off to relax, take a proper break for the first time in ages, and get ready for an exciting new job. I'll have one day a week in Parliament, which I'm very excited about, and I can't wait to see what this job has in store.
She's got a job!

Next week: final day at the paper, getting my implant removed (hopefully for real this time), and getting baptised!