Week 32

She's got FANCY HEARING AIDS! And they're life-changing. But first...

  • Monday was very regular work stuff. Remembering when my inbox wasn't 95% Afghanistan-related, but grateful that I can help in some way.
  • Tuesday evening I had a Zoom call with Adam and his nan - she seems very cool, and it's been really lovely how much his family want to get to know me.
  • Wednesday was my first day in Parliament, which was great - it was so nice to be back! I've missed the sick views, the fetching curtains, and the massively subsidised restaurants. Soon, I'll have a Parliament pass that gets me everywhere without an escort, and I'm going to use it as much as I can. Incidentally - there's a phone number I can call to get my train tickets booked, so no claiming back expenses! Absolute relief.
our old office had a sick balcony and view
  • On Thursday I was meant to do some gardening at my lovely friend Hazel's. However, it was the slightest bit drizzly so we decided it was more of a daytime activity, made enchiladas with her house, and had a big catch-up while my new hearing aids got a proper test run.
  • That's right, they're here! And they're beautiful! And they're life-changing. My hearing has never been like this. I can hear whispers, when people are facing away from me! I can hear people in loud restaurants! I can make phone calls on them! I can customise my own programs! I'm really, really happy with them.
  • On Friday I had a meeting with the chairman of the Volk's Electric Railway about running to be their new publicity officer. We spent two hours talking about our love for the Volks, and he told me a lot of stories about its past.
  • The highlight of the week by far was finally going on a boat tour to the wind farm with Adam! We were meant to do it on our anniversary but it was called off because it was too windy, but it was definitely worth the wait.