Week 25

I feel like myself and everyone I know is in a constant state of saying 'I just need to get to the end of this week, next week will be less stressful'. One day maybe that will be true!

  • LOST update: none watched :(
  • On Monday I saw just the absolute worst show I've ever seen in my life - it was so unfunny and bad that Adam and I left after 10 minutes and laughed all the way to the bus stop about how horrendous it was. The next night we saw Lily Phillips who was excellent.
  • Thursday, we saw my friend Daryl's sketch comedy group, The Biscuit Barrel - I hadn't seen them for a few years, and I hadn't seen Daryl since about 2016, so it was really nice to have a catch-up with him before the show and to see the show along with Adam and our friend Jamy.
  • Adam and I also went to a virtual talk held by Journo Resources about how to start your own publication, which was really interesting—even if I know a lot of what's covered in the talks, it's always reassuring to have it covered again to make sure that, yes, I'm on the right track with something.
  • I got invited to an interview!!!! The job is with my local MP, Lloyd Russell-Moyle, and the interview actually happened the week I'm writing this (more to come next week...).
  • My friend Geeta and I got photographic evidence that her dog Pedro is pint-sized.
  • I had my work exit interview, which means the end is really coming and I'll soon be gone! It also means my final NQJ exam is very very soon.
  • Xav and I got 2 for 1 margaritas and £1 tacos, which was very much needed.
  • On Friday after work, I went home to Dorset to see my mum, Humphrey and Dolly, and to go to Glastonbury with mum and my future godmother, Lottie. We took Humphrey and Dolly around the fields in the village where they live

I spent a lot of time telling my cat George what a good boy he is

It's just an unflattering angle, honest.

and mum bought me a thurible and some frankincense. Very busy weekend but it was really lovely to see everyone, and I wasn't stranded at New Milton station for 2.5 hours this time either!

  • It was also one year since I moved to my second flat in Brighton, which means it was also one year since I had to sit on a sofa in the back of mum's van, with the doors open because we were given the wrong measurements for the sofa, while she drove at 20mph the whole way home from the arse end of Hove and I screamed the second she went over that speed, fearing that I'd go flying. Ah, memories.
The moment we arrived back at mine, with me somehow in one piece!
  • Next week: 11 months with Adam, Lloyd interview, getting my first ever filling thanks to a single grain of rice, and my final NQJ exam!